Put a cherry on top of your UX πŸ’

Put a cherry on top of your UX πŸ’

My talk at the KonferenSE 2020 about how to improve your UX with animations and transitions.

πŸ“… October 13, 2020 (over 4 years ago) - πŸ“– 2 min read - πŸ‘€ 514 views

Your app works, is performant, and follows all requirements and acceptance criteria, congrats!

But still, you have this inexplicable feeling that things could be more intuitive for your users, that this information or that feature should be more obvious to use or more visually appealing. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. One of the ways to get closer to success in this endless quest towards creating the perfect UX is by using animations and microinteractions.

This talk is be about them, it will show you that animations are not a waste of time nor a fancy word for engineers that have too much time to kill. Making your app interactive and enjoyable to use is the cherry on the cake, that very cherry that will make your app stand out and your users come back to it.


What is the KonferenSE?

The KonferenSE is Klarna’s annual internal tech conference. In other words, a full day for and organized by Engineers, Product Managers, and Delivery Leads with a desire to learn and share knowledge.

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picture of me
Written by Nathan Brachotte

I'm a Product Engineer at heart, I've helped many companies build great team culture and craft high-performance, customer-centric, well-architected apps.
✨ Always aiming for that UI & UX extra touch ✨