Tools I use in 2025

Tools I use in 2025

A non-exhaustive list of hardware and software I use to be more efficient in my day-to-day work.

📅 January 24, 2025 (20 days ago) - 📖 4 min read - 👀 48 views


  • Cursor

  • Warp

    A beautiful terminal that allows you to save and share your terminal sessions. I don't use many of its features. + ohmyzsh

  • HTTPie (the desktop version)

    Unlike Postman and Insomnia, you don't have to login and thy aren't trying to upsell you. But the export function is missing 🤮 so nowadays I'd suggest to simply use Bruno

  • Postico 2

    Much nicer than all the other know SQL clients (TablePlus is a good alternative too).


  • Apple Notes

    Tried them all. Notion, Obsidian.. Apple Notes just works. And it can be really powerful if you make heavy use of smart folders and tags and navigation links. Only thing missing is Markdown support which you can get with...

  • Pronotes This software adds all Markdown shortcuts to Apple Notes. And it's free.

  • Screen Studio

    I use it to record tutorials and presentations for the teams I work with.

  • Freedom

    Changed my life, I have a session that blocks all social media and apps from 8am to 6pm. And again from 11pm on. Cured my brain for the attention economy.

  • CleanShot X

    I use it to take pretty screenshots, fast edits and record videos.

  • Clop

    It automatically optimizes the screenshot I take and has a nice drop area for optimizing any image or video.

  • Sukha ❌

    Got a one year subscription a while ago but they only added gimmick features in the last years so I'm not renewing it. I'd recommend using Freedom instead.

  • Raycast

    Literally my favorite app in the world. I could not live without it anymore. It powers my entire workflow, launch apps, search, bookmarks, clipboard history, hotkeys, plugins, etc. I use the Pro version with advanced AI so it's also my AI assistant.

  • ScriptKit

    I mostly use it for my blog to automate the process of dealing with images. Gotta find more use cases for it.


picture of me
Written by Nathan Brachotte

I'm a Product Engineer at heart, I've helped many companies build great team culture and craft high-performance, customer-centric, well-architected apps.
Always aiming for that UI & UX extra touch